
People have been using crystals and gemstones for their powerful transformative properties for thousands of years.  Still today, crystals, gemstones and rocks are loved and used by many to support healing, health and for therapy.  Many feel that they also boost creativity, longevity, happiness and energy.  To some all of this may seem like a new age idea, but to those who love their crystals it most definitely is not.

Although there is no conclusive scientific research that has found crystals work in healing, their benefits cannot be denied and the psychological support they provide is immeasurable.  It is commonly believed that stones do have healing properties, bestowed by Mother Earth and their unique chemical compositions, and that these healing properties can be tapped into through meditation, prayer or crystal gazing, in order to assist a person to come into their own best harmony by aligning with the crystal that connects with the body, mind and soul.

Many believe that by simply holding a gemstone their auric field will begin to come into alignment with the vibration of the stone and it is this energetic field that holds the power to heal mental or physical suffering.  More and more crystals are used during treatments like massage and Reiki.   The stones can be held during a treatment or placed directly on the body so as to transfer their energy directly to the affected area.

Crystals are assigned various properties and have different healing powers depending on their color. They are found in every color of the rainbow from white to red and violet to black.  Each colour and type of crystal carries its own unique healing and healing properties.  Clear quartz symbolizes purity and clarity.  It represents light and magnification of intentions.  The light of a clear quartz crystal amplifies the light in the auric field of the person working with that crystal thereby magnifying the energy they are able to generate to vitalize the particular intention they are working on.   Red gems such as jasper are for are for working with the base chakra to stimulate life energy and assist in grounding.  Amethyst quartz crystals at deep purple and promote peace and calm. Black stones are for absorbing the negative energy within and helping you see the hidden answers you seek. Rose quartz crystal is for love, peace and romance.  While green colored stones are used to promote health.

When you first bring crystals and other gemstones into your life and home, you need to cleanse them in warm water, thoroughly but gently washing them. Then, place them wet  and leave them in a sunny place to dry and recharge for at least twenty-four hours. This cleanses them of any old energy they have picked up along the way and renders them clear and ready to work their magic with your auric and energy fields.

I recommend that you choose a few crystals that you are attracted to and place them strategically around your space.  There is something very calming and serene about having them in your presence and they impart a gentle beauty that enhances any space they grace.