

Reiki is an alternative healing method that was created in 1922, by a Buddhist from Japan, by the name of Mikao Usui. Reiki draws its healing power from the “universal energy”, the practitioner being a sort of open channel through which energy comes and flows from the universe toward the patient. The hands of the Reiki practitioner are the tools used during therapy, more precisely the palms, this is why Reiki is considered a hands-on healing method.

Many people say they find relief in this alternative healing method and through it are able to avoid the use of traditional drugs. According to the theory behind Reiki, energy flows through every person, being that which gives us life. When the level of energy lowers, we start experiencing stress and are more prone to becoming ill. Thus, through Reiki, the energy levels of a person are restored, giving the body the support it needs to heal and resume its previous state of health. If we are to take the word Reiki and look at its meaning, Rei could be translated as “higher power” or “higher wisdom” coming from God and Ki, which is a word for the “energy force of life”. So the energy used by Reiki is in close connection with God, with spirituality, as God is the source of this healing energy and the Reiki practitioner being the intermittent that makes this energy available to everyone.

What does it feel like to go through a Reiki session of healing? You will feel a warmth, a beautiful radiance, peace, and happiness, as Reiki doesn’t just address the physical body, but also the mind, emotions, and spirit. The best part about Reiki that it can be used in the treatment of every known illness. In some cases, the results are miraculous, although every person that goes through Reiki therapy states that the improvements are noticeable. But, if you really want to feel the benefits of Reiki, you should always see a true practitioner or a Reiki master. There are no risks involved, people of all ages can enjoy this therapy, and it can be a great complementary therapy for traditional treatments, speeding up the body’s ability to heal and relieve any unwanted side-effects.

While Reiki is a spiritual experience, it is not connected to any religion. It does not follow a religious dogma, this makes it available to all. However, many find that Reiki allows them to feel closer to God, brings them closer to their religion and improves their spirituality. The truth is that Reiki promotes harmony and peace and alleviate suffering.  Also, anyone can start practicing Reiki, so you can easily become your own healer or provide therapy to the people you love and know. All that is required is a desire to learn and that you find a reliable teacher to learn from. There are no specific requirements when it comes to learning the secrets of this gentle, loving, all-embracing alternative therapy.