
Insomnia and Sleep Hypnosis

As our lives become more and more busy and stress levels rise, more people are finding themselves facing sleep difficulties.  According to psychiatrists, insomnia is defined as a difficulty to fall asleep or to stay asleep.

Effects of Insomnia:

What happens when you have insomnia? Insomnia has a lot of effects not only on the mind but also on the body. Some of them are:

  1. Medical issues caused by insomnia:

Lack of sleep causes many problems related to health. Our body requires proper sleep and if it does not get that a number of serious issues can occur.  Issues like inflammation, stroke, asthma, heart disease, obesity, high blood pressure, weak immune system, seizures, diabetic mellitus and sensitivity to pain etc.

  1. Mental health issues:

The human brain is very complex. It manages the whole body system and everything we think and do. Our day is full of a lot of activities that requires a proper response from the brain. But if the brain isn’t rested completely it can’t respond in the manner it should. Lack of sleep can lead to depression, anxiety, low frustration tolerance, confusion, etc.  These problems if not treated early can create further problems related to health.

  1. Increased risks:

These days everybody without exception has a very hectic schedule. Our days consist of a lot of work related things. Children are busy with school, teenagers are wrapped up in study and extra-curricular activities, and adults never have a minute to themselves what with work and household chores.  All this activity requires that our body and mind be in peak condition. The average person requires 8 to 10 hours of sleep but those who suffer with sleep issues fall far short of this leaving them vulnerable to poor work performance at work or school, memory loss, and general fatigue related issues.

Get a good night’s sleep:

Insomnia is a condition that causes many problems but it can be helped in a number of ways.  We are all aware of sleep related medications but if that is not your thing, then it is definitely worth considering sleep hypnosis.  Hypnosis is a technique used in psychotherapy to treat habits and disorders. Sleep hypnosis has been found to have a great result and can be used well together with cognitive behavior therapy. The cognitive part of this technique teaches you to identify and change beliefs that affect your sleep. This theory helps you to control or eliminate all those negative thoughts and worries that keep you awake. The behavioral part teaches you to develop habits for good sleep and avoid things that keep you awake.  The hypnosis helps to train the mind in a positive way in order to best change the underlying beliefs and habits for good.