Quit Smoking

Hypnosis for Smokers

A great number of people find hypnotherapy for smoking an effective treatment. The method works to break the negative attitude and thinking patterns associated with smoking. The thoughts and attitude the smoker holds is often what prevents them from successfully giving up.

When considering stop smoking hypnosis, the first thing the person has to do is make sure they are choosing to quit for themselves. Hypnosis for smoking has been found to be most effective when the person really wants to quit.

Many people find stop smoking hypnosis is enough to break the habit, while others prefer to combine the treatment with NRT (nicotine replacement therapy) or medication. This helps to tackle both the physical and the mental addiction together. By exploring all the options, a person should be able to find a suitable and effective treatment.

It is important to remember that hypnotherapy for smoking is not a quick fix. While for some people, just one session is enough to quit smoking , others may benefit from follow-up sessions. The ultimate aim of stop smoking hypnosis is to empower people to take control of their addiction. Hypnotherapy for smoking will promote healthier attitudes. It can help the individual to develop new patterns of thinking.

How Quit Smoking Hypnosis Works

During hypnosis for smoking cessation, a patient is often asked to imagine unpleasant outcomes from smoking. For example, the hypnotherapist might suggest that cigarette smoke smells like truck exhaust, or that smoking will leave the patient’s mouth feeling extremely dry.

One popular smoking cessation hypnosis technique that focuses on three main ideas:

  • Smoking poisons the body
  • You need your body to live
  • You should respect your body and protect it (for extended growth or lifespan)

The hypnotherapist teaches the smoker self-hypnosis, and then asks him or her to repeat these affirmations anytime the desire to smoke occurs.

How Quit Smoking Hypnosis Helps

There are many benefits to stopping smoking, including:

  1. More energy – As carbon monoxide affects how much oxygen the blood can carry, the body can find it difficult to function properly. When a person stops smoking, the carbon monoxide in the blood lowers. This allows the lungs and muscles to work the way they should. It also means more oxygen reaches the brain, boosting alertness and energy.
  2. Improved immune system
  3. Longer life expectancy – If a person quits smoking by the age of 30, their life expectancy can increase by 10 years. Even if a smoker is 60 years old, quitting can still add three years to their life.
  4. Better breathing
  5. Less stress – Many smokers reach for a cigarette when in a stressful situation. The immediate hit of nicotine after withdrawal may make them feel relaxed but in the long-term, smoking increases stress levels.
  6. Younger looking skin

Why Quit Smoking Hypnosis Is So Popular

Quit smoking is so popular because it ‘talks’ to the sub-conscious mind, the part of the mind where habits and repetitive behaviors are stored.  By bringing about change at this level we can help even the heaviest, long-term smoker to quit and stay quit for life!