
I have been using Tarot Cards for as long as I can remember. I always loved their mysterious images and the secrets they hold. Since my youngest days I have enjoyed the buzz of doing a three card layout for myself (card on the left = past, middle card = present, card on the right = future), my heart racing, almost holding my breath as I laid out the cards one by one slowly taking in the symbolism and meaning of each card as my mind raced to glean all the information it could for me.   Tarot cards have always been a major delight to me. Powerful hidden meanings slowly revealing their mystery and secrets.

Tarot cards have been used and loved by people throughout the years. The magician, the fool, the chariot and so on are derived from various religious allegories, cultural symbols and historical events and the meaning of each is so rich with symbolism that meaning can be found no matter what the generation and time. Tarot packs come in a variety of beautiful forms and it is easy to find a pack that will resonate with you – one that you will feel drawn to work with.

Committing to a daily practice of Tarot card reading can add real depth to your life. Tarot cards can increase your mindfulness which in returns promotes personal growth and development. If you find yourself struggling with a negative mindset, anxiety or difficult circumstances, then turning to your tarot cards can be a thing of insight, support and healing.   Just like yoga, mindfulness and meditation sessions, tarot cards can provide real, profound, depth of insight into your life circumstances thus providing you with more strength and integrity to deal with things.

For many there is little time for quiet introspection as our days are so busy that we have limited self-awareness, what with the rush to get to work and the busy days we encounter.  You can profoundly alter the quality of your day simply by taking a moment each morning to settle, be with your cards and quietly set a positive intention for the day ahead.  This grounding in reality will give you great strength and will align your heart and mind in a powerful way.   We can all achieve great things when we come from such a place of complete integrity.

Another great thing that tarot reading will do is provide consistency from one day to the next carrying you towards what you truly want in life. Our daily process of rushing from home to work to gym to chores hinders us from seeing how each day is progressing towards a grand destiny. With regular tarot readings you will be able to see your habitual patterns and this will make you feel more motivated to work towards your goals.

If you struggle with making decisions about things that play a significant role in your life, tarot card reading will help you with that as well. It is important that you are mindful and allow your intuition to choose those cards that will help you make the right decision.  In this way a daily practice of tarot card reading will allow you to feel more organized and in control.

You are a unique presence in this world and you have many beautiful and powerful gifts to offer.  By taking the time to be mindful with a daily tarot practice you will increase the depth of your intuition and thereby achieve things that you would not otherwise achieve.  Tarot cards offer us all a powerful path to self-awareness, depth of vision, accurate intuition and powerful alignment with our true path and purpose in life.